Hello there, farm friends! We’re here to share some recent happenings at Baabbling Brook Farms. We’ve welcomed two new faces to our flock: Dodge and Telemachus, a pair of purebred Tunis rams.
Dodge and Telemachus have found their place right next to the ewes’ pen. They’re settling in, getting acquainted with their surroundings and their woolly neighbours. We chose the Tunis breed for their reputation for being a great first ram for our ewes. They have distinctive rust-coloured wool and a gentle nature, qualities that we believe will blend well with our existing flock.
Observing the interactions between our ewes and the newcomers has been a fascinating experience. As they establish their roles and connections, it’s clear that these rams are gradually becoming integral members of our farm family.
As we move forward, we’ll be keeping a close eye on these two rams. We’re hopeful that their introduction will eventually lead to some great lambs. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to watch their integration and their contribution to our farm’s story.